Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dopt Orders on Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment-regarding.

Dopt Orders on Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment-regarding.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 23rd, December, 2013


Subject: Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that various instructions/guidelines have been issued by the Government from time to time regarding forwarding of applications of Government Servants for posts outside their own Cadre. All such instructions issued till date have been consolidated under easily comprehensible headings for the facility of reference and placed as Annexure to this O.M. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all concerned.

2. Hindi version wIll follow. 

Director (Establishment)

Annexure to DOPT O. M.No.28020/1/2010-Estt(C) dated December, 2013.


These guidelines relate to forwarding of applications of Government servants as direct recruit for posts within the Central Government, State Governments, Autonomous / Statutory Bodies, CPSEs etc. It may be noted that in a case in which a particular employee cannot be spared without serious detriment to important work in hand, public interest would justify withholding of his application even if otherwise the application would have been forwarded. It may be added for information that where for good and sufficient reasons an application is withheld no infringement of any Constitutional right is involved.
[O.M. No. 170/51-Ests., dated the 21.10.1952)

a. The Heads of Departments should interpret the term ‘public interest’ strictly and subject to that consideration, the forwarding of applicatior should be the rule rather than an exception. Ordinarily, every employee (whether scientific and technical or non-scientific and non-technical personnel) should be permitted to apply for an outside post even though he may be holding a permanent post.

b. No distinction need be made between applications made for posts in a Department under the Central government, Autonomous Bodies or sub-ordinate offices, posts under the State Governments, posts in Public Sector Undertakings owned wholly or partly by the Central Government or a State Government and posts in quasi-Government organizations. They should all be treated alIke so far as the forwarding of applications is concerned. If, however, a Government servant desires to apply for a post in a private concern, he should submit his resignation or notice of retirement, as the case may be, before applying for private employment.

c. For this purpose, “scientific and technical personnel”, may be interpreted to mean persons holding posts or belonging to services which have been declared to be scientific or technical posts or scientific or technical service.
(OM. No. 70/10/60-Estt, (A), dated 09.05.1960 and O.M. No. 8/7/69-Ests(C) dated the 01.11.1970

The general principles to be observed in dealing with such applications are as under:

a. Applications from purely temporary Government Servants - Applications from such 
Government servants should be readily forwarded unless there are compelling grounds of public interest for withholding them.

b. Applications from permanent Government servants - Both permanent non-scientific and non-technical employees as well as permanent scientific and technical employees could be given four opportunities in a year to apply for outside posts, except where withholding of any application is considered by the competent authority to be justified in the public interest. A permanent Government servant cannot justly complain of hardship or harsh treatment if his application for any other post or employment is withheld.

c. Applications of Government servants who have been given some technical training at Government expenses after commencement of service - Such Government servant cannot justifiably complain of hardship if he is not allowed to capitalize the special qualifications so gained by seeking other better employment. Withholding of application in such a case is therefore justifiable.

d. Applications of Government servants belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, other than ‘scientific and technical personnel — Applications for employment of temporary or permanent Central Government servants belonging to Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes should be readily forwarded except in very rare cases where there may be compelling grounds of public interest for withholding such application. The withholding of application should be the exception rather than the nile in the case of employees belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes who should be afforded every facility to improve their prospects.

e. Application of Government servants for employment in private business and industrial firm. etc. - Where a Government servant (including a temporary Government servant) seeks permission, to apply for such employment, he should submit his resignation or notice of retirement, as the case may be, before applying for private employment. He cannot complain of hardship if his application is withheld. While a person remains in Government service, the State can legitimately refuse to surrender its claim on his services in favour of a private employer.
[O.M. NO. 170/51-ESTS., DATED ThE 21.10.1952; OM NO. 70/10/60-ESTS(A) DATED 09.03.1960. OM No.1/6/64-SCT.I DATED 19.03.1964; O.M NO, 5/2/68-ESTT.(C) DATED 06.O5.1968. OM No.8/7/69-ESTS(C)DATED 01.II.1970; OM No. 8/15/71-ESTS(C) DATED 16.09.1971, OM No. 8/22/71-ESTS(C) DATED16.10.1971]

a) Applications from Government servants for employment elsewhere, submitted otherwise than in response to advertisement or circulars inviting applications, should not be forwarded.
(O.M. No. 5/3/65-Ests(C) dated the 21.12.1965]

b) The applications may be forwarded in accordance with the general principles given inpreceding paragraphs. irrespective of whether the post applied for in the other department/offices permanent or temporary.

c) As for temporary Government servants they should, as a matter of rule, be asked to resign from the parent department/office at the time of release from the parent department/office. An undertaking to the effect that he/she will resign from the parent department/office in the event of his/her selection and appointment to the post applied for may be taken from his/her at the time of forwarding the application. This procedure is to be followed even in case of a temporary Government servant applying as a direct recruit for a post in the same organisation.

d) In the case of permanent Government servants, their lien may be retained in the parent department/office for a period of two years incase of the new post being in the Central/state Government. They should either revert to the parent department/office within that period or resign from the parent department/office at the end of that period. An undertaking to abide by these conditions may be taken from them at the time of forwarding the applications to other departments/office. In exceptional cases where it would take some time for the other department/office to confirm such Government servants due to the delay in converting temporary posts into permanent ones, or due to some other administrative reasons, the permanent Government servants may be permitted to retain their lien in the parent department/office for one more year. While granting such permission, a fresh undertaking similar to the one indicated above may be taken from the permanent Government servants by the parent department.

e) Permanent Government servants on their being selected for appointment in an autonomous Body / CPSE will have to resign before they are penitent to join the new organization. In their case no lien shall be retained and they will be governed by the orders issued by Department of Pensions & Pensioners’ Welfare regulating mobility of personnel between Central Govt and Autonomous Bodies / CPSEs etc.

f) The Terms of the bond need not be enforced in the cases of those who apply for appointment elsewhere, other than private employment, through proper channel. However, the obligations under the bond would be carried forward to the new employment. An undertaking to this effect may be obtained from the Govt. servant before he is relieved.
(OM. No. 60/37/63.Ests(A) dated 14.07.1967; OM No. 8/4/70-Ests(C) dated 06.03.1974; O.M.
No. 28016/5/85-Estt(C) dated 31.01.1986]

a) Where Government servants apply directly to UPSC/SSC as in the case of direct recruit, they must immediately inform the head of their Office/Department giving details of the amination/post for which they have applied, requesting him to communicate his permission to the Commission directly. If. however, the Head of the Office/Department considers it necessary to withhold the requisite permission, he should inform the Commission accordingly within thirty days of the date of closing for receipt of applications. In case any situation mentioned in para 6 below is existing, the requisite permission should not be granted and UPSC/SSC should be

immediately informed of this fact as also the nature of allegations against the Government servant. It should also be made clear that in the event of actual selection of Government servant, he would not be relieved for taking up the appointment, if the charge-sheet / prosecution sanction is issued or a charge-sheet is filed in a court for criminal prosecution, or if the Government servant is placed under suspension.

b) It may be noted that in case of direct recruitment by selection, i.e., “selection by interview”, it is the responsibility of the requisitioning Ministry/Department to bring to the notice of the Commission any point regarding unsuitability of the candidate (Government servant) from the vigilance angle and that the appropriate stage for doing so would be the consultation at the time of preliminary scrutiny, i.e., when the case is referred by the Commission to the Ministry/Departments for the comments of the Ministry’s representatives on the provisional selection of the candidate for interview by the Commission.
[OM. No. 14017/01/91-Estt.(RR) dated the 14th July, 1993 & O.M.No.20016/1/88-Estt.(C)
dated 18/07/1980)

c) When once the Administrative Authority has forwarded an application, it is mandatory that the Government employee concerned should be released to take up the new appointment. However, where subsequent to the forwarding of the application, but before selection if exceptional circumstances arise in which it may not be possible to release the official, the fact should be communicated to the Commission as well as to the official concerned. The decision not to release an official should be taken only where the circumstances referred to above arereally exceptional.
[OM. No. 60/43/64-Ests(A) dated the 24.08.1965)

Application of a Government servant for appointment, whether by direct recruitment, transfer on deputation or transfer, to any other post should not be considered/ forwarded., if-
(a) (i) he is under suspension; or
(ii) disciplinary proceedings are pending against him and a charge sheet has been issued; or
(iii) sanction for prosecution, where necessary has been accorded by the competent authority; or
(iv) where a prosecution sanction is not necessary, a charge-sheet has been filed in a Court of law against him for criminal prosecution.
(v) where he is undergoing a penalty — no application should be forwarded during the currency of such penalty.

(b) When the conduct of a Government servant is under investigation (by the CBI or by the Controlling Department) but the investigation has not reached the stage of issue of charge-sheet or prosecution sanction or filing of charge-sheet for criminal prosecution in a court, the application of such a Government servant may be forwarded together with brief comments on the nature of allegations and it should also be made clear that in the event of actual selection of the Government servant, he would not be released for taking up the appointment, if by that time any of the situations in (a) above arises.
[O.M. No. 14017/101/91-Estt.(RR) dated the 14th July 1993]

Applications of Central Government Servants in response to press advertisement for posts in Central Public Enterprises / Autonomous Bodies may be forwarded with a clear understanding with the employee that in the event of their selection for the post applied for they will sever their connections with the Government before joining the Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies. No lien shall be retained in ch cases. The relieving order should indicate the period within which the official should join the Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Body. Normally this period should not be more than 15 days. This period may be extended by the competent authority for reasons beyond the control of the official. Necessary notification/orders accepting the resignation of the Govt. servant from Govt. service should be issued from the actual date of his/her joining the Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body. The period between the date of relieving and the date of joining Public Sector Undertaking!/ Autonomous Body can be regulated as leave of the kind due and admissible and if no leave is due, by grant of extra ordinary leave. In case he/she is not able to join the Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body within the period allowed by the competent authority, he/she should report back to the paient office forthwith.

[Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare OM No. 4/15/88-P&PW(D) dated 13.11.1991]


Monday, December 23, 2013

India Post plans to launch 1,000 ATMs in next six months

India Post plans to launch 1,000 ATMs in next six months, to bring all branches on single technology platform

The state-run postal service is among the 25 applicants that have sought a banking licence from the Reserve Bank of India. Photo: Madhu Kapparath/Mint
Mumbai: India Post is going ahead with the rollout of a nationwide network of automated teller machines (ATMs) and bringing all its branches on a single technology platform, notwithstanding the reservations of the finance ministry and the Planning Commission over its proposal to venture into commercial banking.
The state-run postal service is among the 25 applicants that have sought a banking licence from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). A four-member panel, headed by former RBI governorBimal Jalan, will scrutinize the applications to pave the way for the entry of a third set of private banks into India’s Rs.81 trillion banking sector in two decades.
India Post will use Infosys Ltd’s Finacle software to cover all post offices under the so-called core banking solution (CBS) over the next 14-18 months. It also plans to launch 1,000 ATMs nationwide in the next six months in the first phase, according to a senior official at the postal department who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to the media.

The CBS process, which would allow India Post customers to access their accounts and perform transactions from any branch of the postal network, has already begun with the Greams Road Post Office in Chennai on a pilot basis. “The idea is to cover all offices as soon as possible,” said the official.
India Post has also begun work to set up 5,000 ATMs in select post offices across the country in two phases. The first two ATMs will come up in T Nagar in Chennai and Gole Dak Khana in Delhi by March, the official said.
As of 31 March, commercial banks in India had an ATM network of 114,014 machines, led by State Bank of India (SBI) with 27,175 ATMs, followed by Axis Bank Ltd (11,245), HDFC Bank Ltd (10,743), ICICI Bank Ltd (10,481) and Punjab National Bank (6,312).
The plan is to issue ATM cards to all savings deposit holders at India Post. As on 31 March, the department was managing Rs.6.05 trillion of deposits, nearly half the deposit base of government-owned SBI, the country’s largest commercial bank, and double that of the largest private sector lender ICICI Bank. Of this, about Rs.2 trillion is under the savings scheme in 280 million accounts.
Out of the total 155,000 post offices, 139,040 are in rural areas. About 6,000 people are covered on average by a post office in rural areas and about 24,000 in urban areas, according to a 2011 estimate by the postal department. Once the ATMs are in place, the post office savings bank account customers will be able to access their deposits through ATMs.
“Like every other aspirant for the banking licence, India Post is building up their capacity for banking services," said Abizer Diwanji, a partner and head of financial services at the consulting firm EY, formerly known as Ernst and Young.
“Building a unified nationwide network for financial services makes sense for the department to develop their financial service offerings, even if they do not get the banking licence,” Diwanji said.
India Post’s plan to venture into commercial banking has been opposed by both the finance ministry and the Planning Commission, which have reservations about the postal service’s ability to take up the role of a bank. The proposal is yet to get funding clearances from the Expenditure Finance Committee. The finance ministry has been opposing the plan arguing that the postal service doesn’t have the expertise needed in relevant areas, such as handling credit.
The Expenditure Finance Committee’s approval is required for proposals involving spending of more than Rs.300 crore and the setting up of new autonomous organizations, regardless of the amount. A new bank needs to have equity of at least Rs.500 crore.
The Planning Commission, too, has reservations on the banking plan, though the panel hasn’t overtly and officially spelled out its stand.
According to people familiar with the development, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of the Planning Commissions, said in an internal note recently that arguments raised against India Post’s banking plan were strong and the proposal could be a bad idea.
An email sent to Ahluwalia on 3 December did not receive any response.
“There is a strong feeling in RBI that India Post doesn’t have the expertise to manage a bank,” said a financial services expert with a consultancy firm, requesting anonymity.
“While technology and reach are positives for the postal department, their lack of experience in dealing with credit is a big negative,” the expert said.
India Post is keen to set up a commercial bank under the name Post Bank of India, arguing that it can significantly boost financial inclusion in Asia’s third largest economy through its nationwide network of post offices. This will also enable India Post, which posted a loss of Rs.6,346 crore in fiscal year 2012, to make up for business lost over the years to private couriers and email services.
Losses have significantly increased in recent years on account of higher expenses.
While India Post’s banking plan is nearly two-decades-old, the department stepped up efforts towards it in 2006, conducting internal viability studies and seeking the opinion of consultancy firms. The move gathered momentum when RBI unveiled its final licensing norms for new banks in February.
The postal department, which had appointed EY to advise it on the plan, wants to open 300-400 branches after starting the proposed bank, with each branch managing a specific number of postal outlets.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Major issues where the process in Sanchay Post and Finacle CBS Application differs.

Major issues where the process in Sanchay Post and Finacle CBS Application differs.
Process in Sanchay Post
Process in Finacle
Post Office
For each Post Office, PO Code is allotted.
  • In Finacle, each Departmental Post Office is called as Service Outlet (SOL) and allotted a ID which is called as SOL ID.
  • Combinations of different SOLs in Finacle is called SOL Set and separate SOL Set ID is allotted for each type of sets.
  • Each Branch Post office will be allotted a separate Code during migration which needs to be selected at the time of doing BO transactions from account opening screen.

Account number
In Sanchay Post, account number is generated from the block of accounts allotted for different schemes.
  • In Finacle, account no. is called as Account ID. Account number will be generated by the Finacle CBS application randomly and will be in 10 digits.
  • From the Account ID, you cannot identify the scheme as it has no such indication.
  • Every Transaction will be given a Transaction ID in Finacle CBS and Counter PA has to write Transaction ID on the voucher.
  • Supervisor has to ensure while verifying that Tran-ID is written on the voucher.
  • From the Tran-ID, anyone one can see the details of the transaction.
Cash Handling
In Sanchay Post, there is no provision of handling cash.
Cash is handled in SB Cash.
  • In Finacle, cash is handled through VAULT.
  • All Counter Pas are called as Tellers and each Teller is allotted Teller Cash Account.
  • Cash taken from Treasurer is to be first entered in Teller’s cash account and main Vault account of the Supervisor by each Counter PA(Teller).
  • Supervisor will verify these entries in the Finacle CBS Application. Only after this, a cash transaction can be done by Counter PA.
  • All cash receipts and payments done at the counter are entered into Teller Cash Account automatically.
  • Each Counter PA(Teller) has to tally his cash at the close of the counter with his Teller Cash Account.
  • After tallying cash, all Counter PAs will return cash through Finacle Teller Cash Account to Supervisor’s Vault who in turn will verify these entries.
  • Physical cash will continue to be taken by Counter Pas from Treasurer and Counter Pas will also continue to return physical cash to Treasurer.
  • Supervisor has to ensure at the day end that Teller Cash Account of each Teller (Counter PA) is Zero.
Account opening with CIF
There is no process of creation of CIF in Sanchay Post
  • In Finacle, for every depositor, CIF has to be created. CIF Number will be in 9 digits generated by the system.
  • Before creation of CIF, a de-dupe check has to carried out for checking as to whether the customer is already having any CIF.
  • At the time of migration, new CIF will be created for each depositor or guardian.
  • There is a menu in Finacle CBS to look the CIF and new account number generated against old account number during migration.
  • Counter PA has to write new CIF and Account number in the Passbook of old customers as and when it is presented for transaction.
  • All accounts of a customer will be attached with the CIF in Finacle CBS.
  • By entering CIF no,, detail of all investments of the customer can be seen.
Use of SS Book
In HPOs and most of the SOs where Sanchay Post is working, SS Book is not maintained.
  • On implementation of Finacle CBS application, while opening new accounts by using new Account Opening Form (AOF), additional signatures of depositor(s) to be taken on perforated slip for Savings Account Holders who are able to sign.
  • This signature slip needs to be pasted on the SS Book for reference at the time of withdrawal till scanned image of signatures are uploaded into Finacle by Circle Processing Centre (CPC).
  • This is to be implemented in HOs as well as SOs after migration to CBS.
Entering of Date of Birth and Last name
In Sanchay Post, entering of Date of Birth is not mandatory except in SCSS and Minor Accounts. There is no concept of First, Middle and Last name in Sanchay Post.
  • In Finacle CBS, entering of Date of Birth for all accounts is mandatory.
  • Entering of Last name in also mandatory in Finacle CBS.
  • When there is no last name for a customer, first name should be entered as last name.
Opening of account by minor of the age between 10-18 years without guardian

Sanchay Posts treats such accounts as Individual Accounts.
  • Since entering of Date of Birth is mandatory in Finacle CBS, it treats all depositors of age below 18 years as minor.
  • When Minor attains majority, it stops transactions and allow transactions only when status of account is changed from minor to normal.
  • Counter PA has to take fresh Account Opening Form with fresh KYC of the depositors after attaining age of 18 years and change status of account from minor to normal.
Funding of accounts

In Sanchay Post , there is a process of accepting deposit at the time of account opening and purchase of certificates.
  • In Finacle, deposit is called as Funding.
  • Savings and PPF Account can not be funded during account opening.
  • Funding has to be done after opening of Savings nad PPF Accounts.
  • In case of other types of accounts/certificates, funding has to be done while opening the accounts.
  • In Finacle account number will be generated against each certificate issued
  • Same process is also applicable to existing certificates and account against each certificate will be created during migration.
Validation of minimum amount of deposit and withdrawal
Sanchay Post does not allow deposit and withdrawal in Savings Account for amount less than Rs.5/-.
  • Finacle CBS has no such validation. Counter PA and Supervisor has to ensure that no deposit and withdrawal of less than Rs.5/- is accepted from depositor.
Payment of interest in MIS,TD, SCSS etc.

In Sanchay Post, interest is credited into the MIS/TD/SCSS Accounts and also paid from the accounts.
  • In Finacle, Interest is not credited to the MIS/TD/ SCSS Accounts.
  • As a batch process, interest in all these three categories of accounts is calculated and credited into repayment account.
  • If depositor is having savings account in any CBS post office, interest will be automatically credited into Savings Account of the depositor during batch process.
  • Otherwise, interest will be credited into Sundry MIS/SCSS/TD Office Accounts created for each such scheme.
  • For payment of interest, by cash, Counter has to pay interest from Sundry Office account.

Therefore, it is desired that all MIS/SCSS and TD account holders should be requested to open savings account and link the same for credit of interest.
Savings/NSS/PPF Account closure. 

In Sanchay Post Savings/NSS/PPF account closure, all calculations of closing interest are done by the software.
  • The process of Savings/NSS/PPF account closure in Finacle is totally different.
  • When closure is to be invoked, first, make the balance as Zero by withdrawing the available balance before proceeding to closure.
  • Detail of closing interest have to be seen only after closure by going through transaction details.
  • The depositor should be told to fill receipt portion based on the closing interest seen by invoking interest accrual menu or through transaction details menu.
  • Even Supervisor, while authorizing closure cannot see the closing interest amount on the screen.
  • For verifying the interest amount written on the voucher, Supervisor also has to either go to the detail of transaction or go to interest accrual to see the closing interest.
  • The process of closure of PPF and NSS accounts are also same except that in case of NSS-87 Closure, Counter PA has to deduct TDS by invoking the menu HCACC.
Inventory process

Inventory process in Sanchay Post can be maintained  for SO/HO with Invoice number details etc.
  • Process of inventory of certificates and cheque books is different in Finacle CBS application.
Process change for certificate name transfer.

In Sanchay Post, for Certificate transfer from one person to another or single to joint or joint to single, old certificate is  discharged and new certificate is  issued.
  • In Finacle CBS application, CIF is to be created for all new depositors.
  • Before creation of new CIF, a de-dupe check has to be made for checking about the existence of the customer.
  • New CIF is to be created for the new customer whose name is going to be added or in whose name NSCs are going to be transferred.
  • New CIF is to be attached with the existing accounts created against each certificate. This is required to be done for each certificate transferred.  
  • On the physical certificate, name of old customer has to be rounded and name of new customer to be added under dated signatures of Supervisor.
  • In case of single to joint, name of new customer is to be added on the existing certificate.
  • Transfer of certificate from one person to another is to be done only once from date of issue to date of discharge.
Certificate issue (linkage with printing of certificates)

In Sanchay Post, on issue of certificate from the substock, certificate is automatically reduced from stock held. But this is different in finacle.
  • In Finacle CBS application, issue of certificate from stock is linked to the printing of certificate.
  • Even if printer is not working or not available, Counter PA has to invoke the menu of printing a certificate to issue certificate.
  • Mere issuing a certificate would not reduce the certificate balance. Only after using print command, the certificate balance from stock is reduced.
NC4a issue

In Sanchay Post, if certificates are not available in stock, a receipt can be issued from Sanchay Post and amount will be accounted for in the post office account against certificate issue. Later, certificates can be issued from the stock against this receipt any time.
  • In Finacle CBS System, in such cases, receipt from NC4(a) has to be issued to the customer and it should be ensured that only those denominations should be selected while opening account which can be made available in the near future on receipt of stock as denomination once selected cannot be changed later.
  • An account is opened against each certificate in Finacle CBS and Counter PA has to enter the NC4(a) receipt number in the relevant field in Finacle CBS.
  • Once, certificates of same denomination are received in stock, the Counter PA has to print certificates against account created under NC4(a).
  • Even if the printer is not ready or not working, the Counter PA has to give print command in Finacle so that Certificates will be attached against the accounts opened.
  • Certificates can be filled by Hand also. Through a report, any user or visiting officer or inspecting officer or even, DAP officer, Divisional Office, Regional Office or Circle Office can watch the pending NC4(a)’s issued by any post office against which certificates are not issued through a report.
Handling of MPKBY Agent Lists at BOs.

Sanchaya Post has the provision to accept RD Bulk Lists without posting and post transaction at a later date with back dated posting.
  • Finacle CBS does not have the facility to accept deposit in bulk and post the transactions later with back date.
  • Posting has to be done on the day of receipt.
  • Therefore, after Migration to CBS, RD Bulk Lists are to be accepted only either through Agent Portal or at Account Office at the Counter.
RD  Agent Portal

In Sanchay Post, there is a provision to attach RD Accounts with an identified MPKBY Agent and when agent presents a  List, amount of List can be accepted pending posting of the List. Amount of all such Lists are reflected in LOT and posting against pending Lists can be done at a later date with date of presentation of List as date of deposit.
  • In Finacle CBS Application, there is no provision to accept Lists of MPKBY/PRSG Agents/Leaders at counter.
  • For bulk acceptance of RD deposits from MPKBY Agents/PRSG Leaders, an Agent Portal has been developed which can be accessed through DOP website using internet.

  • Any RD account during opening or after opening can be attached with any MPKBY Agent/PRSG Leaders.
  • Once account is attached to the agent, deposit cannot be accepted at the counter in that account unless depositor gives in writing to cancel the attachment with agent.
  • During migration, all accounts already attached with a particular agent in Sanchay Post will be attached with the same agent in Finacle CBS application.
  • All MPKBY agents will be issued Login ID and Password to operate Agent Portal.
  • When agent logs in to Agent Portal, all live RD accounts attached with the agent will be visible to the agent.
  • Agent can select the installment month. Default fee/ rebate will be calculated by the system.
  • Agent can select three different modes of deposits i.e cash, by POSB Cheque and by any other Bank Cheque.
  • When agent selects cash as mode of deposit, system will stop entries, once limit of Rs.10,000/-  is reached.
  • System will generate one reference number against each List.
  • Agent can print the LIST by using any printer.
  • When agent comes to the post office with printed List(s) with either cash/POSB Cheque/other Bank Cheques having reference numbers against each list.
  • Counter PA will enter the reference number printed on the List and will be able to see the List(s) presented.
  • Counter PA will compare all the entries in the printed List with that in the Finacle CBS and see that there is no change in the default fee or rebate on the day of presentation and accept the List after counting cash or POSB Cheques.
  • CBS System will once again validate all the entries in the Finacle Core Banking Solution application and accept the deposits.
  • If any deposit is rejected, Counter PA can print the revised LIST and return the excess money to agent.
  • Counter PA will save the transactions posted and then Supervisor has to validate the posting.
  • Only, after Supervisor tallies the printed copy with the system and authorizes the posting, only then the amount would be reflected in the Counter LOT.
  • Agent commission will be automatically credited into Agent’s savings account after deducting the TDS.
  • In case of other Bank cheques, Counter PA will not post the entries.
  • Cheque will first be sent for clearance after lodging them into Office Account called, “Account Opened through Cheque”
  • Once credit comes into this office account, the LIST is to be posted by debiting that Office Account.
  • All entries of all agent Lists will then be printed in the Counter LOT after verification by Supervisor.

Therefore, it is advised that only one counter should be identified for accepting agent LISTs.

  • In case, any agent finds it difficult to operate Agent Portal and brings either printed or handmade copy of List, Counter PA can enter as Super User into Agent Portal and make entries on behalf of that agent.
  • After List is printed on behalf of agent, the rest is the same procedure.

To the extent possible all MPKBY agents should be encouraged to use Agent Portal themselves for which User Champions can train them in WCTCs in batches.

There is no provision to keep the posting of RD agent list pending in Finacle CBS.
Maintenance of stock of Passbooks.

In Sanchay Post, Passbook stock and supply is maintained.
  • Finacle CBS application does not support maintenance of stock and supply of Passbooks.
  • After Migration to CBS, Passbook stock and supply is to be maintained manually.
Maintenance of Office accounts

There is no concept of Office Accounts in Sanchay Post as it is based on Single Entry system.
  • Finacle CBS Application is based on Double Entry Accounting system.
  • Every entry into Finacle CBS has two legs i.e Debit/withdrawal and Credit/Deposit.
  • Many Office Accounts have been opened for taking care of the second leg of posting.
  • List of Transactions are also printed based on the second leg of posting and General Ledger Balances/Scheme-wise
  • Balances in an office are also created with the second leg of posting.
  • Some of the Office Accounts are operated by Counter PAs and Supervisors and some are maintained by the System itself.
  • On day one of Go Live, list of office Accounts to be operated by the staff will be provided by FSI Team.

Many of these office accounts have to be watched by SBCO or Postmaster or Division /Region/Circle/DAP Offices in the shape of reports.

List of Office Accounts to be used by Counter Pas and Supervisors is attached as Annexure-I

List of Office Accounts to be watched by SBCO or Postmaster or Division/Region/Circle/DAP Offices is attached as Annexure-II.
Shifting of signature scanning and other related work to Circle Processing Center (CPC).

In Sanchay Post, signatures are scanned at the Post Office counter. There is provision of signature scanning in SOSB and also no provision for photo scanning in Sanchay Post.
  • On implementation of Finacle CBS application, a document scanning and storage system called ECMS is also being implemented.
  • On opening of account, the Counter PA has to take additional signatures on the perforated slip of new Account Opening Form (AOF)and paste the same in SS Book after tearing from AOF.
  • AOF alongwith KYC documents will be sent to CPC on daily basis where KYC documents will be once again matched with AOF and on acceptance, AOF and KYC documents will be scanned in ECMS and uploaded into Finacle Core.
  • The scanned images will be available in both ECMS and Finacle CBS and any CBS post office will be able to see these documents.
  • Photo and signature will be separately stored for ready reference in all Finacle withdrawal and closure screens and can be accessed using the “SVS” icon provided.
  • Physical documents will be sent back to concerned Post Office by CPC.
  • Any rejected AOF will also be returned to Post Office with KYC document mentioning the reason for rejection.
  • Post Office will get the rectification done and resubmit the documents with AOF to CPC for further process.  
Transfer of accounts/certificates between finacle CBS and non finacle CBS Post Offices.

In Sanchay Post, there is a provision to transfer any account to any post office and it generates Advice of Transfer along with Transfer Journals. Certificates issued by other offices can be discharged under the option Discharged at Other Offices after verification.
  • In Finacle CBS application, the account can be transferred to any CBS post office only.
  • Similarly, non CBS post office can transfer account/certificate to Non CBS post Office only.
  • In Finacle CBS Application, there is no need to generate any AT or Transfer General or do the pairing.
  • Only, the post office, after satisfying the genuiness of depositor, has to change the home SOL (post Office) of the account and account will be transferred instantly.
  • A report can be generated showing accounts transferred from one SOL to another in all CBS post offices.
  • Certificates issued from non CBS Post Offices cannot be discharged at CBS Post Offices.
  • Certificates issued from CBS post offices can be discharged at any CBS post office by changing the home SOL of the certificates.
  • PPF and SCSS accounts can be transferred IN and Out from CBS post offices to Banks and from Banks to Post Office.
Cheque clearance
In Sanchay Post, cheques are entered against account numbers and in case of new accounts marking as New Account against Account number.

Lists are printed and sent to HO along with cheques.

In HO, cheques of SOs and HO are combined and handed over to Treasurer along with list for clearing.

Treasurer is attending Clearing House activities and after getting clearance, intimated the HO Counter about credit.

HO Counter accounts are credited and reflected in LOT and SO’s cheques are credited at HO under Part-II and intimation is sent to concerned SO under part-III for posting in SO ledger.
  • In Finacle CBS application, except in Savings Accounts, Cheques cannot be lodged/entered against relevant account numbers.
  • It has a full fledged Cheque Clearing Module. Full fledged Cheque Clearance Module of Finacle CBS will be implemented when A HO and its all SOs are migrated to CBS.

  • Cheque are to lodged against an Office Account created as “ Account opened through Cheque”.
  • The procedure for handling cheque clearance in Finacle CBS is totally different from Sanchay Post.
  • Till CSI, comes, the present cheque clearance will be handled by the Treasurer in the same way as these are handled today.
  • Treasurer will be  handed over two lists, i.e one of Sanchay Post and another of Finacle CBS.
  • Posting of cheques lodged in Finacle will be done in Finacle CBS at HPO level itself and there will be no need to send any intimation to SO for posting.
  • In case of new accounts, SO can see the credit happen in Office Account of HO and can open and fund/make deposit in account from the office account putting date of credit as value date.
  • Once CSI comes, the clearing house activities will be handled by Treasurer by using Finacle CBS cheque clearing module.

It is advised to convince the depositors to first open Savings Account in Post Office and then present POSB Cheque instead of other Bank Cheques which will save clearing time also.
Account opening through cheque
In Sanchay Post, there is no concept of Office Accounts and account opened through cheques can be opened and credited by selecting the cheque details from the list of cheques prepared in Sanchay Post.
  • In Finacle, Cheques of other Banks cannot be lodged against the scheme or account number.
  • The cheques are to be lodged in Office Account and once credit is received, the account can be funded/deposited by debiting/withdrawing amount from that Office Account.

  • While opening new accounts after getting credit information in Office Account, the Counter PA has to enter the cheque details in Remarks field of Finacle screen so that Cheque number can be captured/entered and shown in the remarks column of LOT.
  • The cheque detail field in account opening screen is for entering POSB Cheque details only.

  • After opening or during opening of account, amount of deposit can be credited by debiting the office account.

  • Other Bank Cheque details will not be automatically captured by the system from office account during account opening. However, POSB Cheque detail can be entered in while account opening.
Therefore, it is advised to convince the customer to first open Savings Account and present POSB Cheque or if he gives other Bank Cheque, that can be lodged against his savings account for automatic credit after clearance. From customer Savings Account, the new account can be funded/credited on opening.
Subsequent deposits through cheque
In case of RD and PPF, many depositors pay the monthly installment or subscription in PPF through other Bank Cheques.

At present the rule is that in case of RD, date of presentation of cheque is the date of deposit.

This rule is going to be changed soon. Date of credit will be the date of deposit.

In Sanchay Post, these cheques can be lodger/entered against their RD and PPF accounts and once intimation of clearance is received, credit can be given by just selecting the relevant cheque number from the list.
  • In Finacle, as stated above, other bank cheques cannot be directly lodged/credited against relevant RD or PPF accounts.
  • Cheques have to be lodged against designated Office Account and after getting clearance information, each and every deposit is to be made in the relevant RD and PPF account by debiting that identified office account.
  • There are chances of mistakes and the procedure is time consuming also

Therefore, it is advised to pursue such RD and PPF customers to open Post Office Savings account, avail value added services like ATM Card, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and issue POSB Cheque for subsequent deposit. This will also save time taken in clearing of other Bank Cheque.
Claim closure

In Sanchay Post, the Counter PA has to enter date of death and all other calculations are done by the Sanchay Post system.
  • In Finacle CBS application, different processes are to be followed for different death claim cases.
  • CIF of the deceased has to be suspended and date of death is to be entered in CIF.
  • In case, nominee or legal heir wants to continue account, his/her CIF has to be created and existing account has to be attached with new CIF.
  • All the nominees or legal heirs have to come together to claim amount as there is no provision to keep the amount in the account for the nominee or legal heir who does not claim along with other one.

In case of new accounts, it is better to advise the depositor to make nomination only in the name of one person.
Half Withdrawal in RD and Loan in PPF .
In sanchay post, There is a provision for Half W/D and as a result, balance is reduced.

In PPF, Loan amount is calculated by Sanchay and balance is reduced from the existing account balance.

  • In Finacle, there is no concept of Half Withdrawal. Instead, a separate Loan Account is opened in RD for Half Withdrawal.

  • Loan account is also having separate number with 1 suffixed to the original account number.
  • Amount of Loan/Half W/D is not reduced from balance and instead, a lien is marked for that amount so that at the time of PMC, this amount is not paid.
  • At the time of closure of RD account where loan is taken, Counter PA has to first close RD Loan Account.
  • For PPF loan also, Loan account is opened separately and have an account number with 1 suffixed to the original account number.

End of Day
Day end in sanchay post is done separately for each office.
  • The End of Day process in Finacle is done in three parts – First at SO, then at HO and the last part at the Data Centre level for date changeover..
  • SO has to run, SOL validation command before leaving office and clear all pending transactions.
  • At HO, System Administrator will do End of Day for HO as well as all SOs under HO.
  • Once all HOs do the EOD, at Data Centre, EOD of the Department has to happen.
Standing Instruction
Only the account numbers are entered and the date of execution is picked automatically by the software.
  • In Finacle, SI always originates from SB accounts
  • MIS and TD interest to SB account is not termed as SI in Finacle CBS but termed as Customer Instruction.
  • While entering SI in Finacle, frequency and date of execution have to be entered positively.
RD-claim closure where Advance deposits are made
Claim is allowed up to the date of claim.
  • In Finacle CBS, RD Claim is allowed only till the month in which depositor expired and the remaining advance deposits paid would be refunded without any interest.
Loan repayment through Agent bulk list
In Sanchay post there is a provision to remit repayment of loan amount
  • In finacle, the loan repayment is not allowed to be  made through Agent Portal.
  • The same has to be done across the counter by the depositor or agent on behalf of agent.
Repayment of Loan entries
Loan repayment is done as part of deposit. Loan repayment should be accompanied with monthly deposit and Loan can be paid either in Lump Sum or in monthly installments.
  • In Finacle CBS, repayment of loan can be done any time with any amount.. For this, Counter PA has to select option of Unscheduled payment.
  • Unscheduled repayment entries to be paid through HLAUPAY.
  • For generation of interest, a menu to be invoked. If repayment is done using HPAYOFF Interest will be generated.
  • In Finacle CBS, Lump Sum deposit is called Bullet Payment.