Monday, December 29, 2014

Membership Registration of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre

Mail us at

Dear Postmasters,

            You are aware of the fact that the process of declaring the Postmaster Cadre as “Distinct Category” within the meaning of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 and thereby recognition of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre is under active process with the Postal Directorate. Ultimately we, the Postmaster Cadre officials are going to get our own platform to take up our problems/ demands etc with the appropriate authorities at the Divisional / Regional / Circle and the Directorate level.

For this reason membership registration is going on all over the country for whichtwo copies of Members Declaration Forms and two copies of Letter of Authorization Forms are to be filled up and submitted to the Circle Secretary/ Circle Co-ordinator, AIAPC of your circle preferably within Dec-2014. Mobile No of various Circle Secretaries/ Circle Coordinators is appended below:

Mob No
Name of Circle Secretaries/ Circle Coordinators (PM)
Andhra Pradesh
Mr M Venkateswara Rao

Mr Sarwesh Kumar
Mr Sarjit Sarkar
Mr Sailesh Seth
Mr Kartikey Kumar
Mr Ishwar Dev
Mr Vishal Purohit
Mr Charanjeet Arora
Mr Ram Mehar Yadav
Himachal Pradesh
Mr Suresh
Jammu & Kashmir
Mr Muzaffar Ahmad
Mr Hemant Kumar Patil
Mr Vinod Kumar
Mr Manjunath
Mr Vijoy Vadoni
Mr R Rudran
Mr Baiju Ambikasen
Madhya Pradesh
Mr R K Gaur
Mr Kamtekar
Mr H P More
North East

Mr H B Nanda
Mr Sunil Narotra
Mr Mohanlal Meena
Mr Rakesh Pareek
Mr R Rajendran
Mr Chandan Singh Bisht
Mr Anil Kumar
Mr Brijesh Mamgain
Uttar Pradesh
 Mr S.K. Singh
Mr Satish Kumar Meena
Md Mansoor Ali
West Bengal
Mr Himangshu Kr Modak

In the circles, where there is none found in the above list the forms may please be sent directly to Mr Himangshu Kr Modak, PM, Gr-II, Narkeldanga PO, Kolkata 700011 (Circle Secretary, AIAPC, WB)  for processing.

All the Postmasters in PM Cadre are cordially requested to unite and exercise their sincere efforts for our common service interest.

Those who have already submitted the forms, they are requested to motivate other PMs to submit the forms at the earliest preferably within 31/12/2014 so as to prepare the members’ database for early submission and get the approval for formation of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre (AIAPC).

N.B: Those who are facing difficulties in downloading the forms in JPEG/ PDF Format from our Blogs / Websites, they are requested to mail us for receiving MS WORD file of the forms.
With regards,
Truly yours

All India Association of Postmaster Cadre

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Difference between AIAPC & General Line Supervisor Assocation ..Read, Think & Act

Following was a question raised by one wise Postmaster from Andhra Pradesh Circle soon after 2nd AIC of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre held at Jaipur on 17/08/2014

I think Postal Directorate is creating confusion among us to protract our issues.  One time they advised us either to continue in the existing union or join in Supervisors association.  This time they are advising to submit another proposal.  I can not understand why Directorate started dialogue with us when we all are decided to shift to Postal Supervisors association in the Jaipur Meeting!!!

In this regard reply given by AIAPC, WB Circle was as under:

Initially, the Directorate has certainly confused us for not to form another association. They are already facing lots of problems owing to existing Federations and Unions. At Jaipur, some circles were in favour of AIAPC and some were in favour of Supervisors Association (GL). Therefore, our decision was not at all anonymous. Moreover, it was not the decision of real All India too and the decision was taken under following line. “Postmasters will take a readymade platform to take up the local issues and form bodies of All India Association of Supervisors” which itself clarifies that the decision was not of permanent nature. However, more discussion would be required for taking the decision but we did not have that opportunity owing to lack of time. Hon’ble Manoj Bhardwaj was our guest on that day. The discussion should be of our own (AIAPC) not in presence of our hon’ble guest who was from AIAPS(GL). Therefore, the discussion was not held keeping our mind open which was practically held in presence of our hon’ble guest. The Supervisors Association (GL) is now surviving on the stay order given by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. If we all (all Postmaster Cadre officials) together with huge number of LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I officials join Supervisors Association (GL) then only the association will survive, otherwise it will perish away in course of membership verification process  ( April-2015) even they win the case. Then where will we go?

It is agreed that there is ample scope of winning the case [W.P.(C) 1827/1997 against the ambiguous orders of the DOP relating to “Distinct Category” ] by AIAPS(GL) in view of legal point under Sub-rule ( c ) and (d) (ii) of Rule 5 of Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993. On the other hand there is also huge chance of losing the case in view of clarification of “Distinct Category” vide the DoPT O.M. No 3/12/94-JCA, dated 10-3-1995 which is reproduced below:

“This is  in continuation of this Department’s O. M. No 2/10/80-JCA, dated 31-1-1994 and O. M. No 2/2/94-JCA, dated 22-4-1994

2. Definition of distinct category
2.1  In terms of Rule 5(c ), membership of a service association has been restricted to a ‘Distinct Category’ of Government servant having common interest. It has been clarified in the aforesaid OM that responsibility of defining ‘Distinct Category’ whose members have commonality of interest is left to the concerned Ministries/ Departments. In this connection, it is clarified that while defining ‘Category’, there is no objection to the existing association retaining their entity or a ‘class’ or ‘group’ being treated as a ‘Category’ , provided there is no administrative problem or there is no clash of interest among constituent of the association. It may, however, be ensured that employees not covered by the provision of CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993, are not included in any category whatsoever”

This can be construed as the creation of Kashmir Problem from the womb of independent India

  But whatever may be the result of the case, the extinction of AIAPS(GL) may happen because most of the supervisors are either active members or leaders of existing P3 unions. They will remain as unofficial members / dormant members / unofficial leaders of existing P3 unions in case they lose the case but will surely not join to AIAPS(GL) as they are doing now. Obviously we salute the members of AIAPS(GL) for carrying out the legal battle in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court since 17 years. Perhaps their legal battle will render us much advantage while making the Postmaster Cadre as “Distinct Category” keeping no ambiguity like IP Cadre. Please think why shall we ride on a “sinking boat” which is visible through a naked eye?

In this regard a simple calculation is given hereunder which may remove the confusion:

Name of cadre
No of Posts
Name of cadre
No of Posts
LSG (2011)
PM, Gr-I
HSG-I (2014)

Individual total



Total Supervisory Posts
Based on real data
35% of Supervisory Posts
4719 i.e. the magic number is sufficiently higher than that of total posts in PM Cadre.
N.B.: These 35% members are required based on filled up posts for surviving a union/association under Sub-rule (d) (i) of Rule 5 of Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993 read with Rule 8 of same rule.
Approximate Filled up posts

2000(almost real data)
Total filled up supervisory posts (8000 + 2000)

35% of filled up Supervisory Posts
3500. In this case also the magic number is sufficiently higher than that of total filled up posts in PM Cadre.

Presently the AIAPS(GL) don’t have more than 20 members all over India. They are not able to manage the support of peoples of their cadre owing to the statement made in earlier para (underlined). They have to manage the support of 3500 members hypothetically in course of verification process (April, 2015). Thus from the statement made in earlier para (underlined) and above mentioned calculation anyone may realize that entire community of P M Cadre officials is not able to nourish the AIAPS(GL) anyway. Moreover, our General Secretary in his 2nd proposal dtd 26/08/2014 addressed to the Directorate clearly mentioned the following para:
It is also mentioned against Clarification 2 of the Directorate’s letter  F. No 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 10th February, 2011, “In case it is decided to discharge the probationer from Postmaster Grade-I and Grade-II, the official will be reverted to General Line”. This itself inter-aliaclarifies that the Postmaster Cadre doesn’t belong to General Line in the Postal Wing of the DOP.
Therefore, joining AIAPS(GL) presently does not have any legal validity since as per forgoing para the Postmaster Cadre doesn’t belong to General Line in the Postal Wing of the DOP even though the AIAPS(GL) has already made necessary amendment in their constitution for entry of P M Cadre officials which has not yet approved by the Directorate. 
                  Thus owing to our hurried decision taken in the 2nd AIC (Jaipur), we have already lost the real spirit of the PM Cadre movement to some extent and if it continues, it will ultimately die like our first war of independence in the year 1857. Friends, please realize what happened to Mother Gandhari by giving premature birth of her 100 babies? Thus maturity of a movement will take time. It’s a process, It’s a process and It’s a process: Change takes timeBut don’t deviate, stick on, remain united and determined as “determination leads to success”.  So Friends, think twice, thrice even more for our hurried decision.  

Now it is established beyond doubt the Stand regarding AIAPC, jointly taken by Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & W B Circle was in the right track as elicited from the Postal Directorate letter No 13/2/2014-SR dated 11th November, 2014. ( to see Click Here).

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Action Plan ---------for the Postmaster Cadre..

Dear Postmasters,

                            The Postal Directorate letter No 13/2/2014-SR dated 11th November, 2014 duly published in our Blog on 17/11/2014 is a giant leap forward towards our goal of being recognised as a new service association (All India Association of Postmaster Cadre).
                             The letter from Directorate removes all kinds of prejudices and doubts towards the formation of our association but strengthen the prospects of formation of the same. That our line of action is being already on the right track we need to fulfil the omissions as suggested by the Directorate to enable them to consider our proposal.
                              It’s an appeal to all concerned to take part in the process of obtaining recognition of Service Association as per the following suggested course of action and strictly adhering to the dates considering the reason to represent our matters before the 7th Central Pay Commission for which early recognition of All India Association of Postmaster Cadreis extremely essential.

1.     Target date has been fixed as 15/12/2014 for collection of Consent Forms and Authorisation Forms in duplicate from the members in Postmaster, Gr-I, II & III available in the this website (Post of 7 Nov-2014).
2.     In the circles where ad-hoc body is yet to form like J&K, HP, Uttarakhand, Hariyana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, North East, Assam, Bihar etc., they are requested to form their ad-hoc body of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre by way of calling a general body meeting immediately as per their convenience. Our constitutional provision for circle branch is appended below for convenience in forming the body.
3.     Each circle will report to the CHQ by email on every Saturday regarding the progress of Action Plan published on 10-9-2014 through eMail (Click Here).
With regards,
Truly yours,

All India Association of Postmaster Cadre

Relevant Part of our constitutional provisions:

 43) NAME:  The organization at Circle level shall be called the All India Association of Postmaster Cadre, Official Circle Branch.
44) HEAD QUARTERS:  The Head Quarters of the Association shall be situated at the Head Quarters of the Circle or any place as may be chosen by the Circle Secretary.
45) STRUCTURE: The Association shall form a constitutional Branch of the Centre and shall be composed of the Divisional Branches duly recognized even members of the Divisional Branch   shall be member of the Circle Association.
46) RECOGNITION: The Divisional Branches shall be recognized by the Circle Branch or expression agreement in writing to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association as embodied in the Constitution. Likewise Circle Branches shall be recognized by the C. H. Q.
47) MANAGEMENT:  The management of the Circle Association shall vest in the following bodies.
a) The Circle Conference which shall meet once in two years.
b) The CWC which shall meet once in six months subject to availability of funds.
48) POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CIRCLE CONFERENCE: The Circle Conference shall be the supreme deliberative and legislative body of the Circle Association. It shall have the following specific powers.
a) To elect i) a President ii) Three Vice Presidents, iii) Circle Secretary, iv) Four Asst. Circle Secretaries, v) Four organizing Secretaries, vi) a Treasurer , vii) an Asst. Treasurer ( Total strength 15(Fifteen only). The office bearers elected from the Regions will function as Regional Secretary of the respective Region.
b) To nominate an Auditor.
c) The decision of the Circle Conference can be revised, modified or rescinded by the succeeding circle conference.
NOTICE: The total strength of the office for the management of the Circle office bearers including Central Working   Committee members shall not exceed the members fixed by the Department Of Posts from time to time.
49) DUTIES OF THE OFFICE BEARERS: The duties of the Office Bearers of the Central Association as specified in article (34) shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of Office Bearers of the Circle   Association.
50) POWERS OF THE CIRCLE WORKING COMMITTEE: The CWC will consist of Office Bearers, working committee members and Branch  Secretaries. The CWC will control the affairs of the Circle Association in between the Circle Conferences. The CWC shall exercise all the powers of the circle conference except election of Office Bearer and adoption of Annual Report and Accounts provided that the Circle Association shall take no action contrary to or in consistent with the directive of the conference.
51) Deleted
52) VACANCIES IN ELECTED OFFICES: Same as article 37**.
53) Notice of meeting as specified in Para 38 with few corrections (1) 21 days for Circle Conference and 14 days for convening CWC and for emergent intimation, it may be 7 days.
54) NOTICE OF MEETING: The notice of the Divisional Conference shall be issued at least 10 days before the date of the conference and that of 7 days in the case of working Committee Meeting. For conducting Divisional Conference the Divisional Secretary shall given prior intimation to the Circle Secretary at least 15 days in advance. Recognition shall be given only in cases by the Circle Body. An emergent meeting shall be convened with 3 days general advance notice.
 37) VACANCIES IN ELECTED OFFICES: If any of the elected office of the Central Head Quarters falls vacant due to death, non acceptance, resignation, retirement, expulsion or continued absence from the office without proper authority for a period of exceeding three months, the General Secretary will fill up the vacancies in consultation with the President and get it ratified in the next C.W.C.

Congrats Postmasters.......Good News for AIAPC

Monday, October 27, 2014

Meeting of General Body of Postmasters Grade I,II,III on 09.11.2014

Dear Friends

         All India Postmaster Cadre Association (AIPCA) 's General Body Meeting at Amritsar.
             Venue : Bhindi Soya Restaurent
                          Near Golden Temple Postoffice Amritsar
            Date   : 09.11.2014 (Sunday)
            Time   : 11:00 Hrs.

Reception Commitee :
Sh. Manish Kapoor              : 98728-59072
Sh. Harjinder Singh Lehri    : 94642-28816


                                            AIAPC Team Punjab

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Dear Friends

      Official blog of AIAPC Chq has been launched.Please Visit

for latest updation of Postmaster Cadre

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


D.G. Posts No. 4-61/2011-SPB.II dated 21 Dec 2011.

Sub: Filling up of short term vacancies in the newly introduced cadre of Postmaster-Reg.

I am directed to say that references are being received from Circles seeking clarifications with regard to filling up of the short terms vacancies in Postmaster Grade-I,II & III. It has been reported that representations have been received from Postmaster Grade-I /II officials asking for officiating promotion to Postmaster Grade-II/III although such officials do not fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria stipulated under the relevant Recruitment Rules.

2. It has been clarified vide Dte's letter of even number dated 7/8-2.2011 that the posts of Postmaster Grade-III should not be filled up under initial constitution clause by appointing HSG-I officials for the reason that sufficient number of regular officials in HSG-I would not have become available. It was further clarified that these posts can be filled up only after reviewing the position in the light of options received from eligible officials and appropriate decision taken by the Directorate in the matter. As per clarification No. 4 of Directorate's letter of even number dated 10.2.2011, the posts identified for Postmaster Cadres will be deemed to have been designated as Postmaster Grade-I, II & III with effect only from the dates those are filled up regularly. Therefore, the Post of Postmaster Grade III will be deemed to be so designated only when these are filled up through initial constitution clause. Infact, in terms of the clarification No.4 dated 10.2.2011, these posts cannot be treated as vacant by the Circle. In the given circumstances when at present there are no posts of Postmaster Grade-III in existence, the question of filling up through officiating arrangement does not arise. Thus, till the posts so identified as Postmaster Grade-III will continue to be manned by officials in General line.

3. Regarding officiating arrangement in the vacancies of more than 45 days in Postmaster Grade-I & II, which have become vacant after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II by filling up through initial constitution as clause as per the provisions of Recruitment Rules, the clarification No. 3 given vide Dte. Letter of even number dated 10.2.2011 was issued stating inter-alia that for filling up of leave vacancies / adhoc vacancies for more that 45 days in Postmaster Grade, the procedure prescribed in Dte's letter No. 137-99/2009-SPB.II dated 23.12.2009 should be followed. It is envisaged in the said letter that only those employees in feeder grade fulfilling the eligibility condition prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for ad-hoc promotion. 

4. Subsequently, Directorate has issued instructions vide letter No. 137-64/2010-BPG.II dated 28.7.2011 permitting grant of officiating pay and Allowances to Selection Grade Officials who officiated in LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I posts in term of Rule 27 of Postal Manual Vol. IV against the vacancies not exceeding three months. As per this Rule, the list of approved officers is prepared by the DPC and approved by the appointing authority and only when administrative exigencies required it, a person not in the list or not the first in order in the list may be appointed.

5. Similar benefit has also been allowed to Selection Grade officials in terms of Rule 50 of Postal Manual Vol. IV which provides for officiating arrangement against the vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one month and more than four months in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in different stations, sub-divisions or divisions in a Circle and in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in the same office or station.

6. In view of the above, to make officiating arrangements in vacancies not exceeding three months and vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one and four months in Postmaster Grade I & II, which become vacant after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II, the Circles may follow the instructions contained in Dte. Letter No. 137-64/2010-SPB-II dated 28..7.2011.

(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)